Student Services

Academic reviews have been suspended effective Oct. 7


Restructuring committee meeting recording

  • Oct. 4 -
  • Oct. 1 –
  • Sept. 26 –

Review Committee Chair: AVP Saichi Oba
Committee Charge Letter - Sept. 19, 2019

Review Committee Members

  • Robin Gilcrist – UAS, Faculty Alliance
  • Alex Jorgensen – UAA, Student
  • Bernard Aoto – UAF, Student
  • Ray Rice – UAS, Student
  • Gail Klein – UAS, Staff
  • Kim Morton – UAA, Staff
  • Ronnie Houchin – UAF, Staff
  • Alex Hirsch – UAF, Faculty Senate
  • Lael Oldmixon – SW   
  • Keith Champagne – UAF        
  • Bruce Schultz – UAA  
  • Lori Klein – UAS         
  • Mary Kreta – UAF      
  • Trisha Lee – UAS        
  • Janelle Cook – UAS 
  • Scott Downing – UAA
  • Sandy Gravely – UAA, Mat-Su
  • Kathy Moffitt – Interim Middle College Director, External Stakeholder
  • Dustin Bawcom – UA, meeting facilitation

Working documents

 Guiding principles

Enrollment Services & Student Affairs must be:

  • Accessible: Students are able to access services across multiple locations in a reliable, seamless, consistent, and culturally effective manner.
  • Focused: The priority is on student success (goal/degree attainment).
  • Continuous: Each part of the student lifecycle impacts the quality of the next part of the student lifecycle Every student--whether he or she studies online, on a small campus or a large campus--goes through a student lifecycle. A strong partnership is maintained through enrollment management, academics, and student affairs.
  • Scalable: Meet the diverse needs of our students no matter where or how they study.
  • Efficient: Which will require investment in a streamlined student experience.

Enrollment Services & Student Affairs is best structured in response to:

  • Where are the students?
  • What are the academic programs they want?
  • How are our programs best, and most cost effectively, delivered?
  • How do we incorporate all elements of the student lifecycle?

Student Life Cycle