Earn the Wellness Program Triple Tracker Point!
Want to earn a wellness program point? Join the 20-day Triple Tracker activity! The
20-day Triple Tracker requires that you meet one of the following measurements for
the day:
- 10,000 steps, or
- 30 work out minutes, or
- 30 active minutes
Then, as the name suggests, this must be done 20 times over the course of a calendar month. This challenge starts every month and can be completed for a total of 4 points toward the wellness program incentive. Review our wellness plan navigation webpage for more details or ! To understand what is required to earn an incentive, please review the wellness program details. There are required points, additional activity points, and additional qualifications to earn the rebate for November 2025.
Emailed via benefits newsletter on 10/29/2024.
Contact Benefits: (907) 450-8242 | ua-benefits@alaska.edu | schedule one-on-one time