
The Act establishing the Alaska Statehood Committee (Chapter 108 of the Session Laws of 1949) sets forth the following Statement of Purpose for the Committee:
"In recognition of near attainment of Statehood for Alaska and the responsibility that will devolve upon the people of Alaska in framing a fundamentally sound and workable state constitution embodying the best provisions that have evolved in the interest of better government in the several states, and in recognition of the many problems that will attend transition from Territorial status to Statehood, it is deemed necessary in the public interest to establish a Committee, non-governmental in character, to assemble applicable material, make studies and provide recommendations in a timely manner."

This Handbook which has been prepared for the Delegates deals primarily with the form and mechanics of a constitutional convention. It is based on a review of the practices of other recent constitutional conventions, and is intended to serve essentially as a check list of the procedural steps that Alaska's Constitutional Convention will be considering. In the preparation of this Handbook, the Committee acknowledges the assistance derived from the experiences of other constitutional conventions, in particular those of Hawaii and New Jersey.


Robert B. Atwood, Chairman
W. L. Baker, Vice Chairman
Mrs. Mildred Hermann, Secretary

E. L. Bartlett
Stanley J. McCutcheon
Lee Bettinger
Andrew Nerland
B. Frank Heintzleman
Frank Peratrovich
Percy Ipalook
Victor C. Rivers
Warren A. Taylor


Thomas B. Stewart, Executive Officer

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