Updated remote work regulations under review
Aug. 20, 2021
A final draft of the updated remote work regulation, along with the current regulation for reference, was distributed to system governance on August 9. Because this is
a major revision to current regulation, we do not have a redline/markup to compare
the two versions.
This regulation update is the result of work by the Post-COVID Workplace Project team, with input from the Transition Monitoring Team, Technical Expertise Resources group and student and employee feedback. Compared
to the version circulated to Executive Council in early July, this version reflects
input at that time and changes recommended by general council, primarily minor changes
to clarify language; the only substantive change is to A.2.c. to narrow the circumstances
under which the university might access a remote workplace.
Changes to the regulations include:
- Changing the name of the regulation from Telework to Remote Work to reflect the current industry standard.
- Consolidating the regulation to remove repeated items that are found in other chapters of the BOR policy and regulations.
- Clarifying the role of the supervisor in approving remote work arrangements.
- Clarifying the safety and security obligations that an employee has under an approved remote work arrangement.
- Clarifying the circumstances when a formal remote work agreement is required.
Per regulation R03.01.L.2, "The appropriate system governance group(s) will provide
comment on proposed policy or regulation revisions within thirty (30) days...", please
provide comments by September 9 at close of business.