Adjunct employee contract dates for Academic Year 2022-2023
April 15, 2022
At the direction of the Board of Regents, the University of Alaska system implemented a common academic calendar several years ago. Due to the nature of our semester length, there is a periodic reset in the start date of the fall semester in which classes begin a week later than “usual.” This allows the students’ final exams and the due date for grades to occur prior to the winter break.
Academic year 2022-2023 is a reset year, which means the first day of instruction for fall semester will be 8/29/2022. Since this date is the beginning of a pay period, contracts for adjunct employees will start two weeks prior on 8/14/22 to allow time to set up access for required training, email accounts, and learning management systems, etc. The last day of the job assignment will end two weeks after finals so adjuncts will continue to have access to complete grades and other items for the semester. The beginning and end dates of the academic year require semester salaries to be spread out over 10 pay periods. This extra time at the beginning and end of the semester is for HR data entry, access management and pay calculation. It does not reflect any requirement to start working early or stop working later than normal. Instruction responsibilities remain the same and should be discussed with the adjunct’s Dean or Director.
Adjunct appointment letters will reflect the start and end date of instruction, as well as the number of pay periods for each employee’s assignment and the corresponding job begin and end dates. The bi-weekly installments are listed and are calculated by taking the total salary for the semester and dividing it by the number of pay periods.
Any questions concerning work duties, dates of instruction or appointment letter should be addressed to the adjunct employees’ department Dean or Director. Any questions regarding bi-weekly pay calculation should be directed to the department HR Coordinator.
Our adjunct faculty are enormously valued and critical to the success of our students; and we appreciate all that they do for institutions and campuses across Alaska.