System Office Holiday Decorating Competition and Virtual Event

Dec. 10, 2021

The System Office Staff Council is coordinating a gingerbread house OR office decorating competition for System Office staff! If you haven't started already, this is the official kickoff!

Once you've created your gingerbread house or decorated your office space (whether that's at home or on campus), submit a photo (or a few) of your creation

Then we'll be hosting a virtual gathering on Wednesday December 15th at 1:00pm where we'll award prizes in various categories, such as Most Original, Best in Show, Most Candy Used, and more! We'll also be playing some virtual games. If you can't make the event, you'll still be in the running as long as you submit photos before Dec. 15th.

If you want to do a gingerbread house and need help getting started, we've included a basic gingerbread recipe and template. We're looking forward to seeing what you all create!!

Also, do you have extra mugs you don't use? Drop them off at Genevieve Bright's desk in Butro 106 if you're in Fairbanks (, or in the Adopt a Family dropbox in Bragaw if you're in Anchorage. They'll get filled with holiday treats and donated to the Food Bank.

Thanks and happy holidays!